
#11 “Manipulation”

The right way to do it….

“The problem is that after years of living in the real world, we lose the ability to be ourselves. We become timid, humble, overpolite. Your task is to regain some of your childhood qualities, to root out all this false humility. And the most important quality to recapture is boldness.”

-Robert Greene.

A lesson in Spiritual Wellness…

As an Amazon Affiliate it is policy to inform you that this is an advertisement. However, this is still a reflection of a great book that I’ve read many times over. I believe it would benefit any who may read it. You can find the link for it in my references located at the bottom of this page.

A Morally grey skill.

I may be insane for putting this one out there…

Today, we are going over a skill most people do NOT want you to learn. But art just isn’t as compelling without shadow. The term “manipulation” is widely recognized as an evil action. In reality, manipulation is morally grey. Diplomacy… Seduction… Whatever you choose to call it, it all boils down to the same thing. It is only as evil and as sick as the performer. One can manipulate without becoming a manipulative person. Manipulation has two functions: to enslave or to liberate. You are only supposed to shackle those who would stand against you…

For those you wish to stand with you, you must free them…

Some have a higher capacity for manipulation than others. Women are better suited for the skill. A man could work his entire life, gain every accolade under the sun, and only hope to match the manipulative potential of his 5 year old daughter. But do not forget that manipulation is a mind game. Anyone can become skillful as long as they stick to the rules…

The Rules.

First rule: There is no force in manipulation. Manipulation is about decision-making. It’s a game of chess. It can be applied to literally any setting, be it social, business, politics, and so on. 

Second rule: You must have an imagination. Manipulation is not possible if you cannot think for yourself. If you are new or still stuck on this part, feel free to start at the beginning of the page. You may not be ready for this information just yet.

Third and final rule: Get over yourself. Manipulation is about the target, not you. If you cannot think outside of yourself, you will fail every time…

Easy to remember, right? You’d be surprised… Corruptors like to bend these rules, if not flat out break them. A liberator would never. You’re going to have to keep these rules in mind the entire time when we go over the liberation process. Never forget them.

But before we cover the process, we have to go over nine important traits you must possess at all times. 

The Traits of a liberator.


The first trait is resistance…

It is the ultimate folly of manipulation to become a slave to your target. This is the most important factor of keeping your distance. If you can’t say no, any manipulation attempt on your part will result in you being taken advantage of. The first thing you need to get good at is saying no. The most tempting things in this world are those which you can not have. Saying no is the easiest way to create desire and distance simultaneously. Desire and distance create pursuit. Be pursued in the direction you wish for your target to go. 

Don’t explain your actions too much. Your target should be asking questions. Preferably questions you anticipated. You should consider a look into your mind as VIP treatment; a short but memorable experience. Even if what you are talking about isn’t too important, giving your target information exclusive to them deepens a bond considerably. Confidentiality builds comradery. 

You aren’t keeping your answers simple because you like being mysterious. It’s because what is understood doesn’t need to be explained. The less you have to explain, the easier you are to understand. Mystery is just a side-effect of doing this right.

Your decisions are the only thing you have control of. Say no if the timing isn’t right for you. Say no if conditions are unacceptable. Say no if the target is trying to take full control of you. Don’t blame them for trying. This was what you wanted them to attempt after all. Saying no also leaves an opening to make a counter-offer, which keeps the target interested.

Keep in mind that your target has the same right to decline. In fact, you should expect resistance during most of the liberation process. Manipulation only works when the final decision falls on the target. Remember that manipulation is about the target. Not you. Also, keep in mind that some people you can’t win over. This is usually a matter of reputation. Either you don’t match the reputation they want. Or you don’t have much of a reputation at all. 

Every rejection should serve as research. You have your entire life to get this right. You shouldn’t care either way what your target picks. Because there will always be other targets. Your target should be a side mission at the highest level of importance. Saying no is also a great way to gauge the level of insecurity in your target. If they are too insecure, it may be better to retreat entirely…


The second trait is confidence…

Everyone likes encouragement. The energy you give off should inspire. Remember to play to your strengths. You should adjust your wardrobe so that even your simple items look good on you. Helps if you are physically fit. No matter your place in life, you must own it. You have to learn how to make use of everything about your character. Even the bad traits. 

When it comes to your target’s interests, you must be knowledgeable. Insightful even. From confidence stems invitation. Don’t conform to any expectation. Even from your target. Avoid anything that sounds like an obligation. You shouldn’t force them onto your target either. They have to choose, and you need to be fine either way.

Having a purpose in life should bring out this trait naturally…


The third trait is Respectfulness…

You should consider it dreadfully boring to talk about yourself. Manipulation is about the target, not you. You don’t want the target talking about themselves per se. Not immediately… Too obvious… You want to talk to the target about what they’re thinking about. 

Your target is going to suspect you want something… Of course you do. Why else would you be bothering them? You want whatever conclusion they reach about you to be pleasantly wrong. Make the target feel as if there really is a place for them around you. Accommodations are one of those little things that make all the difference. 

Keep your word. If your actions aren’t matching what you say, your manipulation attempt will fail. The magic involves more than your mind. It requires your entire being. Sometimes, manipulation involves you making yourself appear lesser than you really are. This allows the target the freedom to expand fully.

To be a heat source in this cold world is wildly magnetic. The target may even want you to themselves. You could win over an entire room with respect. If you can’t win over an important target, work on adjacent targets. Gathered support sways stubbornly powerful targets. No one defends against respect. Taking the wind out of the sails of your target’s resistance is a crucial final step in manipulation. This is how “no” becomes “why not?”

“Why not?” Is technically yes, and it’s the sort of energy you must radiate well before you extend an invitation…


The fourth trait is enthusiasm…

When people say, “act natural,” it is largely in regard to enthusiasm. This is how to make your energy infectious. Enthusiasm can show itself in different ways. You can show it by paying close attention. You can show it through creativity. You can show it with your energy. Strive to see the best qualities in people. Give their bad qualities a better name.

Like a comedian, you must learn how to make a funny rhetoric out of your insecurities. Your reputation can’t be fabricated. You can’t run the risk of appearing “out of character” it could break a spell instantly. Your outlook towards the world shouldn’t be naive. It should be optimistic. Enthusiastically playing your part in the world is magnetic. It’s easier to be light-hearted if you are an optimistic person. This doesn’t mean you are relentlessly positive. It means you never lose sight of the silver lining no matter the problem.

The key to enthusiasm is always having an engaging question to ask. A love of learning. Your enthusiasm can’t be easy to snuff out. The moment you appear apologetic or insecure, it’s game over. Never get caught up in any hype. Even ones that you happen to stir up. It’s all funny to you. There is such a thing as being too enthusiastic. Dare to be different yet maintain respect towards the traditional ways. 

An invitation must be given with enthusiasm…


The fifth trait is sympathy…

You can never know for certain what’s going through the mind of your target. You can only calculate the best you can. Over time, the goal is to develop empathy with the target. To accomplish this, you must mirror them. You need to be able to mock your target without causing offense. Mockery helps the target to get over themselves. If done right, mockery shows attentiveness and comes off as flattering. 

You need to show the target that you actually care without living to serve them. This is how back and forth dynamics are created. Pay close attention to the little details your target reveals about themselves. No one will ever make themselves completely vulnerable to you. This should actually prove suspicious. 

If the target cannot read your energy, they will never accept an invitation from you…


The sixth trait is self-awareness…

There is no shame in putting practice into your first impression. The bulk of manipulation occurs before contact is made. If your first impression is targeted, make sure you keep the values of the other in mind. No one is too sensible to be tricked by the first impression. The stronger your reputation, the stronger your impressions are. The first impression, if mastered, can deceive even the best of us. A proper first impression makes your target forget who has the advantage.

Part of Manipulation is mystery. The more familiar someone is with you, the less likely it is going to work. If you can maintain a distance, you can suprise again and again with a different impression. You have to make your first impression appear effortless. Part of mastering the first impression is realizing that it only lasts for a little while. You have to be able to build on what you present. Your personality must be simplistic while your style is calculated. 

The more senses you appeal to during your first impression, the better. There has to be something that makes you different without being off-putting. It helps the first impression if you are good-looking, but what makes the difference is self-awareness. If you hate looking at yourself in the mirror, you’ll never be good at making impressions. Start getting yourself in shape. Most people look better with clothes on, and if you’re in shape, your physical attractiveness becomes something you can control.

The goal of the first impression is to spark interest. You cannot invite an uninterested target…


The seventh trait is transparency…

Deception only plays a small part in manipulation. The more dishonest you are, the less trustworthy you become. When you lie, don’t make it a fabrication. Make it more of a play on words. There’s “telling the truth” and then there is “technically telling the truth.” Pick whichever sounds more fun at the time.

You have to develop your way with words. Words infect the spirit. The tone of your voice isn’t as important as what you say. One wrong word could break the spell of a good first impression. You must be transparent, even with the things that disgust you. Those who wish to earn your trust will listen closely to your responses. 

Your language must stick in the minds of others. Remember that words tend to fall flat after a bad first impression. You have to get that part right first. Save apologies for when you’ve grievously harmed or insulted someone. The word “sorry” should leave a bitter taste in your mouth. It means you’ve given up. You’ll actually have an easier time convincing your target to get over themselves. Resistance should be accounted for. You need to be able to prove yourself somehow. 

When it comes to manipulation, you have to give them control. You didn’t actually convince them if they didn’t have a choice. Remember the very first rule of this game.

Guide the conversation, but allow them the final call. It would serve to get better with metaphors. Analogies help people to use their imaginations, which is crucial to manipulation. Mastery of metaphors allows you to set the stage to ask whatever question you’d like. Bonus points if the metaphor is casually funny or flattering. Flattery is fine as long as it’s creative. Once you have an idea of what the target is after, you have to speak as if you have it. Don’t talk about yourself. You need them to use their imagination. 

A non-heated debate is all part of the plan. It’s better to make it happen sooner rather than later. It encourages the target to think for themselves. You don’t want your target on auto pilot around you. You won’t be able to extend an invitation if you can not even hold a conversation…


The eighth trait is presence…

Remain present, remain patient, and get over yourself. If you can’t remain present, you won’t be able to pull it off. Your personality will be muted. People can sense when you are just talking a big game. We are raised to be suspicious. People trust what is simple, safe, and realistic. Your principles should never be questionable. 

Your principles should be easy to fathom. No decision you make should ever go against a principle. Keep that in mind when anticipating your target’s choices. If you are influencing a choice that goes against your target’s values, they will lose trust in you. 

Build a positive (or powerful) reputation. Your statements should be insightful. Your questions should be enlightening or, at the very least, playful. Your actions must play to your strengths. Your results must mutually benefit. All cults, most religions, and some groups are centered around one powerful presence…

The target must feel they are missing out for not accepting your invitation…


The ninth and final trait is timing…

Timing is everything. It can make the difference between a good plan and an excellent plan. Timing could also ruin a perfect plan. Being at the right place at the right time is often all you need to seal a deal. Timing is best to keep in mind when your target is being targeted by other people. Timing sets you apart from the competition. If there’s too much competition, sit back and let the mistakes pile up, then be the one person who did everything right. 

Good timing can even bring a tarnished reputation to a brilliant shine. When seizing the moment, don’t get caught up in your own hype. Don’t come off as “the savior.” Just be “the one who stepped up.”

Seizing a moment steals the target. The target is supposed to be the one caught up in the moment, not you. Good timing combined with a good first impression will make people follow you temporarily. Only seize the moment if you know how to handle what comes next. It all has to be one motion.

Remaining present is an important perquisite for calculating your timing. The mind must not be afflicted by any challenge or interference. When you seize a moment, you have to be a symbol for something. Make that “something” a value your target treasures. This is how you become memorable to the target. 

The target will not accept your invitation at a bad time…

Each trait is important.

Some of these traits will come easier to you than others. But do not neglect a single one. Every trait listed is needed during the liberation process. Before we continue, I want to put out there that my intention isn’t to create monsters. There’s already too many of them. But if delivered the right way, I truly believe this information could make positive waves. That’s why we will not be going over any insidious or violent tactics. We need more liberators in this world…

The liberation process has 4 stages: Invitation, Recruitment, Liberation, and Send-off. Again, manipulation is a morally grey skill. You are helping the target become the type of person they wished they were. Not out of the kindness of your heart, of course. Liberating the target must serve your means to some end. Why else are you spending all this time and energy? Let’s be realistic here.

The best gift you can give someone is bringing out the best in them. But it isn’t easy. Manipulation takes time and focus. There’s a chance that the target may even resent you for trying. Because “how dare you!” Right?

As I mentioned previously, manipulation dissolves the vetting process. But that is the sacrifice you must be willing to make. You only live once after all…

Now you’re ready… Enter player one…

The Liberation Process.

Phase 1: invitation.

Making the first impression.

If you’ve been paying attention so far, all of the traits lead up to one thing; the invitation. Know the type of person you are going after. An introduction is wasted on deaf ears. Know who’s worth your time. When selecting a target, it has to feel right. When introducing yourself, keep it simple. Remember that the first impression makes or breaks it. Show some respect with a genuine compliment. Preferably about something you have in common. 

You actually need a reason to be near your target. It can’t be contrived. The moment the target assumes you are here for them, the guard becomes more rigid. It may take a long time after the introduction for the target to become receptive to you. In the beginning, just settle for “interested.” It only takes a few seconds to spark interest.

Some targets aren’t worth the effort. Successful manipulation of bad targets leads to unsatisfactory results. The introduction will only work if there’s something you genuinely admire about the target. Remember that you can’t manipulate anyone if you’re useless. A target who has no need for your skills is not a target. You’re checking for an imagination during your first impression. Its a sign that they can think for themselves. It would be impossible to set a vibe without it. 

If the target has no imagination, count them as a lost one and move to a different target…

Don’t do too much. Or too little.

A direct approach is forceful and will boost your targets resistance to you. Only make a direct approach if you’ve made eye contact more than twice. But whatever you do, never approach from behind. Unless the target is an enemy, of course…

Don’t be a stranger after an introduction. It would be best if you both frequented a location. Give the target a little time to get used to you. The more things in common you discover, the better. If the target feels in control, it’ll tempt them into trying to manipulate you. You want them to try it. It means they’ve been thinking about you. 

Once the target tries to counter-manipulate, maintain a respectful distance. The target must be the one to close the gap. Once the target tries to manipulate you, give the impression that it’s slowly working. Change something small about yourself to give the target the impression they have some sort of influence on you.

How to come off as “cool.”

The target must feel they are the one making the changes. If the target doesn’t feel in control, they will grow either fearful or angry. It’s too early for that part. In conversation, make good use of rhetorical and hypothetical questions. This will guide the targets thinking. Allow the target to fill in any missing parts of a conversation. 

The target must think you are open to their influence, but they must not think they control you. Too much routine makes us miserable. If you become part of your target’s routine, keep this in mind. You have to represent a change of pace.

It may help to become acquainted with adjacent individuals before introducing yourself to your target. You aren’t a threat if you’re part of the group. Never rush a decision for a target or make a decision for them. Manipulation is about the target, not you. Give them time and space to figure out what they want.

Wait for chances to show rather than boast about your skills. This gives you time to learn more about the target. While you wait, send mixed signals to gauge how receptive the target is to you over the meantime. Sending a mixed signal doesn’t mean suddenly changing your attitude. Remain consistent, but leave hints. You can safely show a darker, distant side to your character through the way you encourage the target.

Things to keep in mind.

You want the target to think for themselves, but every once in a while, you can share a personal cheat code with them. Some people try to avoid manipulation by getting straight to the point of a conversation. For these simple types, you must already possess something they are looking for. It’s usually something tangible. It’s the senses (instead of the mind) you must dazzle. If they are impressed, making them chase you would be simple enough.

After enough time, your target is going to wonder “if you’re always like this?” The people around you will be able to answer that question for you. You need to be around people who you can bounce off of so your target can see what other people like about you. This could even make the target possessive of you.

Sometimes manipulating a target means manipulating another target. You could interact with a target you’re further along with in front of your current target. Rivalry switches your target’s imagination into overdrive. Very little would have to be done on your part if you’ve managed to pull this off. Let the target create their own sense of urgency. 

Totally recommended to have more than one target.

A worthy target will never completely let down their guard. No one likes leaving themselves vulnerable. You should find it strange if a target proves too easy. For manipulation to work, the target must have a problem that few people notice. If you can notice this, it makes your absence felt by the target.

Be useful, not just fun.

Once a back-and-forth dynamic has been established between you and the target, give out constructive criticism on occasion. This will give them something to think about when you’re apart. Don’t be rude or vulgar about it. Be unapologetic.

Any emotion towards your criticism is proof that your opinion matters to them. Do not apologize. Constructive criticism shows the target that you know them like no one else. It attaches them to you for better or worse. You have to be the one who brings change. The antagonist. Antagonists don’t have to be villains. Remember, you aren’t trying to make the target insecure, only uncertain.

You don’t necessarily want your target jumping through hoops. You give them a choice to exploit a loophole. A portal that leads to another portal. Once you’ve made it to late game, you can be more direct with your target. Only the overwhelmingly powerful can be direct from the beginning.

How you should speak to your target.

Get better at saying something without saying it. What you say isn’t as important as what you don’t say. Never vocalize your vision. Don’t just lead your target around aimlessly. If they are following you, make sure you are going somewhere that sets the mood you’re trying to establish. A suprise hidden behind something banal. If the target was intrigued by the suprise, extend an invitation.

Effective mirroring can lower the target’s guard completely. Respectful imitation makes the target believe they are the ones doing the influencing while mockery helps the target to get over themselves. This makes them more likely to listen to you.

One of the most effective ways to lower a guard is making the target feel silly for having it up. Mockery should be done sooner rather than later. Maybe not at the introduction, but at some point, you have to demonstrate to the target how well you know them. Mockery is a leveling tactic in conversation. It works best when the target believes they are lesser or greater than they probably should.

A more flattering form of mockery is a slight imitation of the target. It shows the target you are paying attention to them. If the target sees themselves in you, you become harder to resist. Satirical mockery lightens the target’s mood, while respectful imitation validates them. It’s all based on what you see in the target.

You have to be convinced of the potential in your target. Perhaps even more so than the target. Everyone has a super-self they like to fantasize about. This is the ‘good’ in the target that you aren’t supposed to lose sight of. The goal of mirroring is encouragement. Manipulation is about the direction. You are a guide, not a follower. 

How you know when it’s time to proceed.

A sign that you’ve tempted your target is being given an invitation. Deny this invitation. This is a trick. Manipulation is about what the target chooses to do, not you. When you deny an invitation, make a counter offer to keep them interested. Even if they deny it, you’re still a step ahead.

It takes a small degree of knowledge in human psychology to understand the signs people show you. Your target’s personality is a cross between their deepest insecurities and their super-self. You want to numb the insecurity as much as possible until they push past it themselves.

Your target will accept the invitation only if they think they’ll have something to lose by not going. Your invitations must stem from shared values. If the target doesn’t accept any invitation, you can’t proceed. If they deny every invitation you send them, that only means that the target wasn’t who you thought they were. Even the most adroit manipulators are wrong all the time…

Phase 2: recruitment…

A few small changes.

During the invitation phase, your words took center stage. Now, it’s your actions that must be memorable. After the target accepts your invitation, just keep up what you’ve been doing so far. But slowly switch from indirect to direct. Unlike the invitation phase, the target will have anticipation you can work with. Your surprises should always leave a specific question in the mind of the target. When the target is trying to anticipate, resistance is forgotten.

Your actions need to match the details you laid out for the target. Being detail-oriented naturally slows you down, which is crucial for guiding the target. The clothes you wear must symbolize the energy you want your target to mimic. What you do doesn’t have to be clever. It just needs to be exclusive for the target.

During the recruitment stage, there must be a secret made between you and the target. It doesn’t have to be a big one, but this is the time to have something between just you two. A secret is the proof of loyalty each of you are looking for at this point.

Every time the target accepts an invitation, you have a chance to set a new first impression. Each entrance you make, show them a new side of yourself. When shown something new, our attention is undivided. You can even disappoint your target on purpose to set up a brilliant suprise later. But don’t do the same suprise over and over; this bores the target. 

Your plan.

You have to lead the dance once the invitation has been accepted. The chain of surprises must be memorable. The more memories your target has of you, the more they will think of you. Don’t be too spontaneous in your actions. The target is supposed to improvise, not you. Improvisation could lead to blunders that will ruin everything. Don’t send an invitation unless you already have a plan. 

You aren’t supposed to invite the target with the plan of improvising. The setting you picked must be familiar to you. The surprises must be pleasant and memorable. The gifts must be a symbol of your bond.

Any gift you give has to mean something. It shouldn’t have a string attached to it, but it has to be something they would look at every day. It doesn’t need to be expensive. It must represent a shared value between the two of you. A symbol of your relationship. It’s not what you said that will be memorable. It’s what you did.

Remember that with gifts, timing is everything.

Details, Details, Details.

The keys to it all lie in the details you’ve set up. You want to keep the target’s imagination working the entire time. You want to dazzle and then relax the target. You want the target as relaxed as possible when it’s time to switch from indirect to direct. 

When you plan your details, include as many of the senses as you can. Not all at once, but in a rising order that’ll keep the target moving forward. There should be some sort of spectacle planned for the target’s amusement. Once the target has been thoroughly entertained, slow down the games for the conversation topics you planned.

Remember that flattery is acceptable as long as it’s creative and tailored to the target. Any debate topics should be playful, but avoid turning them into arguments. Never try to assert yourself in a conversation. Remember that mockery and imitation work well in setting a mood. The response you are looking for during a conversation is a smile or laugh. Laughter lowers resistance in a target, which makes it easier to switch from indirect topics to direct.

Switching from indirect to direct is simple. It’s the same contrast between “telling the truth” and “technically telling the truth.” You may be switching to direct speech, but you want to give the target enough space to refuse you during recruitment. The target must close the gap. Remember, you don’t want to make any overtly bold moves until the liberation phase. 

Remember to expect resistance every step of the way. Once you switch from indirect to direct, the target will most likely raise their defenses quickly again. This is fine because now they are off balance. Just keep that respectful distance in mind.

Recruiting Dialogue.

Don’t try to appeal to the target’s logic. If it fails, it will most likely make one of you cringe. You want the target to feel your words. To imagine them. You aren’t trying to enlighten the target yet. You are trying to inspire them. Your use of language must set you apart from the others.

During direct speech, the same rule applies. Don’t say more than you have to. Not only does this kill the imagination of the target, but it kills the conversation as well. Be comfortable in silence. Saying nothing is better than saying something stupid. If you don’t know what to say, just move on to the next topic.

Switching to a direct approach is a matter of the details you set. It’s not something you just randomly switch to. You ease into it. You align your target’s fantasy with your intentions. 

The first part of recruitment dialogue is telling the target what it is you see in them. You must affirm to the target that they are one of the few people in the world who have their heads on straight. When you tell your target of what you see in them, make sure it lines up with a strength they are uncertain of. A limit that they are also curious of.

What you see in the target must lead to why you invited them in the first place. This would be the time to make a small request of them. Perhaps it’s just to see more of the target, or perhaps you want to take them somewhere else. Either way, make it a choice for the target.

Do not make the target feel as if they have to answer you right away. Feel free to send the target on their way after you’ve gotten your point across. Give any thoughtful gifts you’ve neglected to give during the games. There’s not much more you can do until the liberation phase.

As communication becomes more frequent between you in the target, mix in more affirming speech to build them up. The target will become convinced you are one of the few people who truly sees how great they are. This is how attachment starts…

Phase 3: Liberation.

You could still screw everything up.

The invitation and recruitment phases were more like a dance. The liberation phase is where it becomes more of a game of chess. After recruiting the target, you may have to wait a while for a response. Continue to pop up occasionally. Do a favor here or there. Perhaps invite them out for another planned adventure. You want the target thinking of you constantly. Be it from your physical presence or from the memories your absence stirs. 

You have to be ready for resistance at every step. People will always be stubborn when it comes to changing themselves. Continue to adapt to your target’s high and low points over time.

Remember to forgive your target for being at a low point. Allow them to expand as much as they like. You should never blame your target for any mistakes they make. Allow them to get their demons out and do not retreat from them. Sticking around shows the target that you understand them without you having to say it. 

A bond has been forged.

At this point, the target is probably offering information about themselves…

Let them give you as much information as they like. Liberating the target requires regressing them a to a simpler form. The simplest way to accomplish this is to get the target to talk about their past. What the target is not saying about their past is what you REALLY want to pay attention to. This is the affliction you must cure.

When the target’s mind is in the past, shift it towards the future. Focus them. Praise the growth they’ve made up to this point. Relate to the target by sharing a similar weakness, preferably a weakness that contrasts with the target’s strength. 

Focus on the affliction.

Having a blameless and trusting energy makes it sting when you deny the target. It makes them want to change for you. A denial shouldn’t be petty. At this stage, your negativity should be directed towards their affliction. If the target appears stuck, this is the time to grow cold. Be cold because you know they can be better, not because they aren’t doing what you want. Don’t show disgust. Show disappointment. Start distancing yourself.

Remember to be pursued in the direction you wish your target to go…

You must be familiar with the affliction binding the target. To liberate your target, it will involve giving them the chance to push their limits. If your target is timid, prepare them to face their fears. If the target is angry, give them a chance at vengeance. If the target is curious, give them the chance to learn. 

Perhaps what the target wants isn’t a moment of redemption. Maybe they want the chance to get away with something they know they shouldn’t be doing. When a target regresses, their dark side will show, don’t supress this… Call out to it. 

Once your target is under your spell, their greatest fear becomes your boredom. Your disappointment. Whatever was holding them back previously becomes an afterthought. Remember, when you apologize, you are screwed. This goes for the target as well. If they feel guilty, they will do whatever it takes to make things like before. Not unlike a child or lover. Getting them to do something for you should be as simple as asking them a favor.

And that’s it. If you’ve done everything right at this point, you have successfully freed the target, and they managed to accomplish whatever it was you needed them to do for you. Now you can advance. But there are loose ends you must address before doing so…

Phase 4: Send-off

Saying Goodbye.

This is a time to show gratitude for everything you two have been through. At this final stage, the target is most likely attached to you. They will likely make a final bid to possess you in some way. 

You must deny this request. It wouldn’t do to chain your target after you have just freed them. It would be cruel to use them any further than you’ve already done. In time, the target may even grow to resent you if you remain. Encourage the target to enjoy a life free of conformity forever. 

Your target will never forget you. Because you have given them something they will be eternally grateful to you for. One day, your target will go off to help someone just as you did. And the cycle continues. 

Basically, don’t do too much or too little. Distance yourself on a high note.

You may even grow attached to the target yourself. You have to remember that you have used this person. Eventually, the target will come to resent you for it if you stick around for too long. The distance you put between the two of you after you’ve accomplished your mission helps to preserve the relationship.

Breaking the spell.

Distancing yourself from a reluctant target may require one last push on your part. Don’t just leave them hanging. Set them up as best you can then be off.

Manipulation is all about choices. You could pull one last trick and make it so that the target chooses to leave. Make them think it was their idea. Once you no longer need the target, you can feel free to give them full disclosure. If that’s what it takes to dispel their illusions of you.

Manipulation corrupts the vetting process. Remember that. You cannot begin a vetting process with a previous target until much time away from each other. Carry on with your life. Promise each other that the next time you meet, you’ll make each other proud. 

Keep the goodbyes lighthearted. You want the target leaving you in better condition than when you found them. If the target manages to yet again close the distance after some time away. Then, you could begin the vetting process anew. It’s possible the target may want revenge on you. If not, then you have made a friend for life. 

The best gift you can give someone is bringing out the best in them. Maybe in time, they can do the same for someone else. Your target will never forget you. Perhaps there may come a time when you’ll need them again. It’s not as hard as you may think to resume a manipulation. You just have to stir up the pleasant memories once again and make them tangible. Tap into the nostalgia of it all. But keep in mind that you are thinking like a corruptor. An evil, sick person.

(The Wellness Wheel)

Robert Greene’s The Art of Seduction is a book to be studied for sure. I left so much out that could prove useful to you. Make sure to click the link below and get a full lesson in dark psychology.

References and Photos

The art of seduction – Robert Greene,

The Fairly Odd Parents- Butch Hartman,

Bugs Bunny – Acme Studios,

The Price is Right – CBS Studios,

Archer – Adam Reed,

Spider-Man – Stan Lee,

Star Wars – George Lucas,

Dragon Ball Z – Akira Toriyama,

One-Piece – Eiichiro Oda.